Aqua Medical

Advancing Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes

With Disruptive, Vapor-Based Endoscopic Ablation Therapy

Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes remains an enormous global healthcare epidemic, despite the prevalence of over 50 pharmacologic therapies. Aqua Medical’s through-the-endoscope outpatient ablation of the duodenum represents a metabolic intervention to enhance glycemic control in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Promising evidence suggests that this non-pharmacologic modality holds the potential to help patients attain and sustain targeted HbA1c levels as well as reduce the economic burden on the healthcare system.

Aqua Medical has developed a through-the-endoscope vapor ablation platform to change the course of metabolic disease, including type 2 diabetes, through duodenal ablation with a transoral, outpatient procedure.

The Technology

Aqua Medical’s unique ablation technology consists of heated water vapor created by a radiofrequency generator and delivered through the endoscope. It is a true platform technology in that a single RF vapor generator system with multiple unique catheters can deliver treatment for diseases throughout the GI tract. Type 2 diabetes is detailed below, but click on Other GI Applications in the menu to view additional clinical uses.

Clinical Application

Type 2 Diabetes

Radiofrequency Vapor Ablation of Duodenal Mucosa

Non-surgical through-the-endoscope ablation of duodenal mucosa, intended as a treatment to improve glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes, a disease of epidemic proportions.

Type 2 Diabetes

By the Numbers

  • More than 38M Americans have diabetes (source:
  • Globally, 643M adults are projected to have diabetes by 2030 (source:
  • 98M American adults – more than 1 in 3 – have prediabetes (source:

Metabolic Treatment

Metabolic consequences of type 2 diabetes can create a vicious cycle. Insulin can increase anabolic activity and weight gain. The more weight you gain, the more insulin resistant you become. Aqua Medical’s non-surgical ablation of duodenal mucosa is intended as a metabolic treatment to improve glycemic control. Unlike medical management which may only address symptoms, ablative procedures may change the natural course of the disease and break the insulin-dependency cycle.

Promising Evidence

There is promising evidence that a non-pharmacologic approach may better achieve and maintain a target HbA1c, while also reducing the economic burden to the healthcare system.

Learn More about Aqua Medical's Radio Frequency Vapor Ablation Technology (RFVA)

Aqua Medical’s through-the-endoscope Radio Frequency Vapor Ablation (RFVA) System provides a platform for faster, easier-to-use, more effective outpatient treatment for multiple unmet clinical needs.

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